Sunday, March 24, 2013

So much has gone on since the last time that I posted that I am not really sure where to start.  Some of the big news would be that we climbed Mt. Kenya!  The last weekend in February we took twelve of the high school students and climbed Mt. Kenya.  The trip was a total of five days.  On Sunday we drove to the Mt. Kenya National Park and hiked in to the first camp.  We stayed there for the night and the next day had an acclimatization hike and then hike back down to base camp. 
Tuesday morning we hiked up to the next camp, at 14.200 ft altitude.  We stayed here for a few hours to eat and sleep a little before leaving at 2 am to climb to the summit.  We made it there just in time to see the sunrise around 7:30 am. The early morning climb to reach the summit was freezing!  Literally.  The water in my water bottle was frozen.  Out of the twelve kids that we brought with us, nine of the kids made it to the top.  After reaching the summit we only stayed at the top about ten minutes because it was so cold!  We then turned around and hiked back all the way to base camp.  That was a long day.  Thursday morning we hiked from base camp out to the bus again. 
All in all it was a great trip.  I really enjoyed all the hiking and the sunrise at the top of the mountain was amazing!  The hiking itself was not as difficult as I had anticipated it to be.  The most difficult part of the trip was how cold it was. 
I got home from Mt. Kenya Thursday early evening and waiting here at Maxwell was our new principal and girls dean.  I know the family from working at camp and was very excited to see them again!  The following morning I picked Chett up from the airport and the rest of his family came in that evening. 
Over the next week we went on several safaris.  We went to the Nakuru, Massai Mara, and Amboselli National parks. These trips were amazing!  I had not had the opportunity to go to any of these places yet and I truly enjoyed every moment.
The following week was Week of Prayer here at Maxwell followed up by a spiritual retreat at Brakenhurst.  We had the chaplain from Union here and he was the speaker for the whole week.  I really enjoyed all of his talks and I think that the kids did as well.  For the retreat we loaded up three buses of kids Friday morning and spent the weekend off campus.

It has been a very busy couple of weeks.  I also have two new students and I am now teaching grades 1 through 4.  I cannot believe how quickly the time is going.  In just about two months I will be heading back to the U.S. and up to camp for the summer.