Thursday, August 16, 2012

Well I have been here a grand total of three days now.  Things are going really well!  I have been learning a lot and asking a lot of questions.  I feel really dumb sometimes because I have to ask how to do the simplest things.  It has been really busy between staff meetings and working on preparing my classroom and attempting to write lesson plans.  There are seven other SMs here with me.  I am sharing a house with two of the other girls.  School starts next Tuesday.  So pray for me a lot! There are 30 students signed up right now and 3 of us to teach them.  My homeroom is 1st through 4th grade.  Here is a list of what I will be teaching:
- 2nd grade Reading
- 3-4th grade English
- 2nd grade English
- 2-4th grade Phonics
- 2-4th grade Spelling
- 2nd grade Science
- 3-4th grade Science
- 5-6th grade Social Studies
- 5-6th grade Math
- 7-8th grade Bible

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! and don't worry of the simple things - you learn fast and the best teachers are those who are willing to learn. You will do great! Love you!
