Some of the kids from a Sabbath afternoon program. |

It has been a while since I have written anything. I am amazed at how fast the time is
going. Classes will be starting
again this Tuesday and kids are coming in starting tomorrow. The break has really been
wonderful! I spent hours working
on lesson plans and reading books about teaching and classroom management. I cooked a lot and I don’t think my
house has ever been so clean. I
did some sewing and crocheting. I
went on a safari and saw a lion, giraffes, zebra, and a number of other animals. Some of the other SMs had their
families here and so we were able to go on various adventures with them. One of
which involved us getting the school van stuck in the mud and having several
men come and push us out. For the
last week of break I went to Capricho with several of the families from the
school and the other SMs. It is a
resort on the Indian Ocean. While
we were there we did a lot of snorkeling.
I really enjoyed that! We
also had monkeys break into our house on several occasions and steal food out
of our kitchen. They may be cute,
but they sure do cause a lot of trouble.
For the last few days on the coast we met the rest of the school staff
in Mombasa. This was a lot of
fun! I had the opportunity to go
snorkeling again. I also got to
ride a camel and I got bitten by a giraffe when I was feeding it. Overall break was pretty great and just
what I needed to get ready for second semester.

A little update on my classroom. They have been doing some construction work on the
elementary and when I left for Mombasa there was a huge hole in the front of my
classroom, I had no whiteboard, and there were several inches of dust covering
everything. I have yet to make it
down to the school to see the current state of affairs. But I am optimistic that it will be
better and I can get my classroom ready for my kids again! This semester is going to be
crazy! In just about a month we
will be climbing Mt. Kenya. The
new principal and girls dean will be coming at the end of February and I will
be getting two new students and adding a grade so that I will be teaching first
through fourth grade. In the beginning of March some really good friends are
coming to visit and we will be doing some traveling. I am very excited about all the events coming up! I cannot believe how fast the time is
going. I am over half way finished
with my time here in Kenya and before I know it I will be on a plane headed
back to the U.S. and then back up to camp for anther summer of kids and horses.
Mombasa |
Love the pictures