Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Camping and Math Class Lessons

The Great Rift Valley
The campsite

The last several days have been so full!  This weekend we took the whole school on a campout.  The juniors and seniors went to the Mara and the freshman, sophmores, and elementary students went to Hell’s Gate National Park.  I went to Hell’s Gate and Friday morning we loaded up three truck/bus type vehicles with a total group of 85 and headed off. It was a great time!  I can not tell you how many tents I helped set up on Friday.  Many of these kids had never done anything like this before.  I live in the biggest city in East Africa and many of the students here come from wealthy families all over East Africa.  It rained Friday night and Saturday morning but it rains just about every time I go camping and so this was nothing new to me.  The kids however, were not too sure about it.  They did not want to get wet!  Thankfully, the weather cleared up and we did some hiking that afternoon.  That was amazing! We were able to hike down in the gorge and see some pretty neat landscape features.  In some places the climbing was a little difficult.  Many of the kids needed help getting up and so Derrick went on top of the rock and I stood below and gave kids a leg up while he caught them and pulled them up.  On Sunday morning we broke camp and I helped with tents again.  After this weekend, I feel like an expert in tents.  The kids then had the option to go rock climbing or biking.  I chose to go with the group that went climbing.  I took rock climbing at Southern my first semester there and I loved it!  I have been climbing with friends several times since then and am hoping to get my own gear when I get home so that I can go more often.   The rock that we were going to climb is the rock the inspired Pride Rock (The Lion King).  It was really neat. I helped a lot kids in and out of harnesses and climbing shoes and had a great time doing it!  A lot of the kids were really scared to do the climb and some only made it up a few feet.  I was really proud of the ones that were willing to give it a try!

School so far this week has just been great.  I have said it before and will probably be saying it for the rest of my life.  But I think that I learn more from these kids than they do from me.  Today Katie (the other SM elementary teacher) and I lost track of time while the kids were out at recess and ended up giving them an extra ten minutes.  This would be fine, except that it cut into math class. Math is the class that I have the hardest time fitting everything in for.  I teach 5th and 6th grade math and it is a juggling act for sure.  The first few weeks, I really thought that I was going to pull out all my hair in frustration.  It has gotten so much better though now!  I am able to get it done and feel like the kids actually learned something.  They are all passing too, so I must not be doing too terribly. 
Anyways, we called the kids in late.  The 5th graders came in arguing like they always do and everyone came in wanting a drink.  I also knew that the 6th graders had had some difficulty with there homework the night before and we needed to cover some of the material.  I was slightly stressed trying to figure out how in the world I was going to teach two different lessons and review yesterdays lesson in my now shortened math period.  I was about to open my mouth to get after all the kids for being so rowdy coming in.  To tell them that they had better sit down and be quiet because we had way too much to do.  Then I looked around.  They were happy and laughing and having a good time, while still getting their books and preparing for class. I realized that I had a choice.  I could yell at them to sit down and then rush through the lesson.  We could have done it.  But as I was sitting standing there and looking around I realized that if I did that I would be taking the joy right out of the room.  They would not be having fun anymore, but would be upset about being yelled at. I would not be happy, but would be irritated because I had to yell at them again.  So I decided to laugh with them.  We went over the homework from yesterday.  We started to cover a bit of the material that we were supposed to cover today, but did not make it through.  I assigned some extra practice from the day before and we made it through the class with everyone smiling. 

Anyone who has known me for a while know that I tend to be very task oriented.  I like to see what needs to be done and get it done.  I do things quickly and efficiently and I really don’t slow down or stop for much of anything.  You cannot always do that with kids.  Its not good for them!  They need you to slow down.  They need you to take the time.  To listen to them.  To understand where they are coming from.  I am again learning my lesson.  Slow down.  My kids are so happy most of the time!  I cant help but think its because they realize what us adults miss.  Life is not an emergency.  It is not something that needs to be rushed through.  There are more important things than your lesson plans or your to-do list.  I think that kids are so happy because they take the time to laugh.  They take the time to wonder at the things around them.

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