Saturday, November 10, 2012

School Days

A note taken from two of my students in class the other day:  Excuse the spelling.  I copied it exactly. 

Student 1: Hey, did you see the look on (that other student’s) face?  I wonder what is wrong with her?

Student 2: No, but she was arguing with Mrs. MacCle and Mrs. MacCle said she shoud stop it.

Student 1: I know.  I think she wants excuses to not do her math or math is too hard for her.

Student 2: Eh, I don’t think that

Student 1: Whatever.  Anywho, lets continue working.  And I think you mean didn’t I think that.

Student 2:  don’t use that word Anywho Arg and don’t tell me that I am using your arg ok I am using my own arg.

Student 1: Ok Ok. Lets continue.

Student 2: Continue what!

Student 1:  CONTINUE INDEPENDENT!  Arg.  We don’t want much homework do we?

Student 2: I did not say we do! Arg.

Student 1:  (Name of student), just continue if you don’t want homework.

Student 2: ok ok ok so never mind!!!!

Student 1: whatever

Student 2: You said we should continue so lets continue ok!

Student 1: ok ok. Don’t give notes back then, ok?

Student 2: ok, you don’t give notes back.  Keep this not ok

Student 1: That’s what I said!  Don’t send notes this time!

Student 2 Hey, I said don’t give note

Student 1: I said it first when I went on this part of the paper L

Student 2: ok ok! Don’t give note and what does this L mean?  And don’t give note answer this when you are done.

Student 1: L means mad and it is made with !! and a (( ok?  Don’t send notes BACK!!!!!!

Student 2: hey didn’t you see what I wrote don’t send notes!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok!

Student 1: too bad.  I said it first.  HeHeHe

Student 2: toooooooooo bad I also said it

Student 1: too bad too too much bad.  I said it first

Student 2: OK it math time

And the note ends there.  Sometimes these kids are so entertaining!   In the last few days I have had to explain to a student that it is not a good idea to pick your nose and eat your boogers, especially in public.  I had a 2nd grader in the middle of his English homework look up and ask me randomly and ask what the purpose of life is.  Today after assigning homework to my 5th and 6th graders one of my 6th graders said that this was the best Thursday of her life!  Then I had a 5th grader who was singing his “Thursday blues” because he had more homework than he would have liked.

1 comment:

  1. This is probably my favorite note ever! Your kids are SO funny!
